Sunday, June 26, 2011

Sunday snapshot

I woke up this morning ready to conquer the world! Well, not really. But I wanted to run some errands and get a few things from the grocery store. So, I hopped in my car and after driving about 10 feet I realized I had a flat tire. I turned my car around so as to decrease the likelihood that someone would smash into me with their car as I tried to change the tire. The father of one of my neighbors across the street was visiting and saw my plight, so he came over to offer his assistance. The experience with him helping me with my flat tire was interesting. For the most part, I grew up without a father, and with my older brother taking off when I was barely a teenager, I never really experienced much in the way of a gender division of labor. My mom mowed the yard and washed the car and fixed things that broke. Now that I am older and on my own, I mow the yard and wash the car (in theory) and fix things that break. It was a bit odd because this nice guy who came over to help me assumed I didn't know how to change my flat tire. I usually would have said thanks, I got it, but for whatever reason I decided to accept his assistance. He was very nice about it, and I was very appreciative. It was probably near 100 degrees outside, so we were both sweating when all was said and done. Anyway, the tire got switched out (big nail in the one that went flat), and I got to my errands after all.

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