Sunday, January 16, 2011

Broken glass..

I just drank an entire french press full of coffee all by myself...what better time to blog?

I want to start off commenting on how extremely awesome it is that H and B now live a mere 3.5 hours away. I also want to comment on how extremely awesome it is that they have decided to visit this weekend. I will admit that my daily checklist of to do has fallen to the wayside, but I will make up for it later.

Friday night after they got here we were going to check out Bill's Pickin' Parlor to listen to some bluegrass, but by the time we got there it was around 11PM and it looked like they were shutting down for the night. So, I decided to take them to the Art Bar for fun. After Art Bar we came back home and fiddled for a few hours.

Saturday we woke up too late to go to the Farmer's Market, so instead we had some biscuits and tempeh gravy. Last weekend Kevin B. told me about this place in the woods off the Riverwalk where the Olympia trash dump must have been years and years ago. So, we decided to take a walk in the woods and try to find it. After a short trek in the still snow covered woods, we hit gold. H and B and Emma and I dug in the dirt on a steep hill and walked away with some sweet finds - old glass medicine bottles, still intact....probably 50 or more years old. I haven't checked the patents yet to confirm their age. They are pretty dirty, so they have been soaking since we brought them home.

So, while we were out on the hill, my friend Darcy called me to tell us his big appointment fell through and he could fit us in. Fit us in for what, you might say? Tattoos. Oh yeah. So, after cleaning up from digging in the refuse pile, we headed over to Divine Street Tattoo and H and I were inked. It's been....oh, about 12 years since my last tattoo, so I was a little nervous. I let H go first. She was a champ, and got a pretty amazing tattoo. Then it was my turn, and after going back and forth between locations, I finally committed to a fairly exposed placement. I will let you all wonder and least until it heals up a little and I post a pic.

Now we are heading to the Congaree Swamp....more later.


  1. tattoo = "PD Diddy" on your neck.
    For cred with clients.
    Smart move.
