So, right before Christmas our bosses announced that we were going to switch over to a team system...meaning, instead of each of us getting all types of cases within our levels of experience, we were going to get specific types of cases based on which team we were on. I think there are six: minor felony, major felony, violent crime, criminal sexual conduct(CSC)/domestic violence, DUI, and drugs. They asked if we had a preference, and the only thing I said was that I would prefer to not be on the CSC team. Before this, I was handling everything from murder to CSC to lesser felonies, and the occasional misdemeanor case. Now I am on the drug team. There are three of us on that team. My caseload increased by about 100 clients, but the severity (measured by possible prison time folks are facing) of the charges on the whole has decreased, and I have a handful fewer clients in jail. All in all I like it pretty well. I have a feeling drug clients won't keep me up at night quite as much, though I did wake up at 5:30 the other morning because I realized I needed to call one of my clients about something. That was the first time in a month, which is a huge improvement.
The to-do list is getting tweaked this week. I am going to add 3 days of cardio/week and 5 sessions of fiddle practice. I feel like 3 days of cardio is on the light side, but I don't think I can regularly fit in 4 days at the gym. Once it warms up I will be out and about and it won't matter, but while I am going to a gym for my cardio I don't want to push it. I will adjust as needed. I've been counting fiddle practice even if it is just for 10-15 minutes, but I play pretty much every night so I figure I should get some credit for it.
Depeche Mode every day when I come home. It hasn't left the record player. I am soooo in love with that album. Best $10 I have ever spent.
I don't have much as far as updating goes. I haven't heard anything about the other two jobs I applied for. I need to find another one to apply for this weekend. Finding jobs to apply for is difficult in the NC/SC region. I don't have a problem branching out. I'd go anywhere. Except Florida. Or Oklahoma. I'd like to get to Asheville though, or NC generally. I will settle for SC if I can find something awesome. Chances are I won't....
I just emailed my mom a picture of my new tattoo. I figure this way she can deal with her disapproval in the comfort and privacy of her own home.
You know what I have been totally obsessed with? Brussel sprouts with sweet potatoes:
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