Confession. I am at work. I am writing a blog post while I am at work. I feel sort of guilty. I would never have felt guilty at my old job, because I know no one would have cared. The only reason I feel guilty doing this at the new job is because I don't know whether or not they care. I will figure it out eventually, but for now, I am trying to be stealth.
What I really want to talk to you about is my teeny tiny bladder. I had no idea it was so small! I decided about a month ago I wanted to try to drink more water during the day. Some time last year, someone left a stainless steel water bottle at my house. I couldn't give it back because they didn't live in SC, so I started using it as my water bottle. I love it. A lot. here is a pic:
It's 18oz. Better than a Nalgene, which I think leaves behind a vaguely pizza-esque flavor. So, I have been drinking at least 4 of these during the 8 hours I am at work, usually more like 5 or 6. That is 72oz of water in 8 hours, minimum, and possibly up to 108oz. I also bring a travel mug of coffee with me in the morning. So, needless to say, I spend a lot of time going to the bathroom to pee. All of this is fine and well, except I am very self-conscious about how often I am going to the bathroom. In order to get to the ladies bathroom I have to walk past the office of one of my bosses. I do this a lot. I try not to make eye contact. I wonder if he can hear me peeing. I wonder if he wonders if I have some sort of bladder control issue. I probably think about all of this entirely too much.
Do you want to know why I think about it too much?
Because I have nothing to do. I am going to be working on an awesome project. But it won't really start up until August. My other boss doesn't want me to get wrapped up in anything that will be time consuming. So, I have been reading. Reading about all sorts of really really interesting things. But....I read fast, and I am not used to sitting at a desk. I am not used to silence. I am not used to the lack of stress...I am not sure how to do, I get kinda anxious. I thought this might happen, that I might have a period of adjustment. Well, it's here. I am adjusting.
I am obsessed with drinking water. I think next week I am going to keep a tally of how many times I get up to pee.
That is my update friends.
Pizza-flavored water! That's a brilliant idea. And yet, instead of turning it into money, you shun it. Shame.