Saturday, April 16, 2011

ze universe

Topic of discussion today: the universe! What do I mean by that? Well, I don't know! If you are reading this you probably already know how I feel about touchy feely crap like fate and virgin birth and higher powers. I am open to the possibility that things happen for a reason, but more in a chaos theory manner and less in a predestination kind of way. However, I think I've been schooled by ze universe lately. It decided to remind me in a very abrupt and obvious way that people usually try to hide how fucked up they really are until after a gal is already invested and it's harder to walk away. So, I would like to thank the universe for doing me a solid and reminding me that I should be more cautious when allowing new people into my life. I can handle fucked up people, because I am a card-carrying member. I can't handle aggressive, unkind, self-absorbed dick-shits who feel in their heart of hearts that the world really does revolve around them. Crisis averted. Moving on.

Speaking of the cruel and cynical universe, there is an awesome outdoor craft fest going on today, but we have a pretty solid rain coming down. Usually I would be ok with this, use it as an excuse to lay around and watch Netflix in my PJs. But, I can't do that, because the internet keeps coming in and out. I have had to re-write this post three times already. So....if no outdoor fest, no yardwork, no Netflix....that leaves me :(

I get it. I bitch about cleaning in a previous post and then I am forced to clean. HA! It's how it goes.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Ashley! Down with all dick-shits. It is raining and gross here, too, ruining my plans for attending an outdoor show later on. But yesterday I frolicked in the woods for a long long time.

    P.S. Peanut is super cute.
