Ever since those lumberjacks destroyed my private and shaded backyard, I have been brainstorming all sorts of ways that I can make the most of the situation. I have decided on two things: 1. I prefer instant gratification, and 2. I am going to attempt a fall garden. The instant gratification part is pretty tricky, since there is no such thing when it comes to gardening. But! I can totally attempt a fall garden. Yesterday I spent some time laying out my floor plan. I am going to use some vertical gardening concepts, but I don't think I am going to sheet mulch or use raised beds. I have always sworn by sheet mulching in the past....but honestly I get tired of dealing with all the materials. So, I am going to attempt a modified row garden, with some vertical aspects, and dense planting. Whew. If this works, I will be amazed.
Basically it's one giant experiment. So far my gardening experiment this year has been a colossal failure. My potato plants died, my squash died. Birds ate all my figs, peach tree is too old to produce. Blueberry bushes #2 and #3 probably died from our heatwave the other week. The only things that haven't been a failure are my 12 basil plants. They have all somehow survived.....and I have been harvesting every weekend. I hope to have enough pesto to last through the winter, but I keep eating it....
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