third tree to lose it's head |
Working down below |
Saddest backyard ever. Ugly house. Tears. |
So, last Friday lumberjacks did their worst to my trees. No more shade. No more privacy. No more...grass. I feel like I lost a part of my home or something. It's hard to explain. I know it needed to be done, but there is something unsettling about sudden change, even when it's expected.
In other news, the lovely H&B came to visit for the weekend. We ate food and drank drinks and rode bikes. Yup! Little gimpy me managed a 8-10 mile ride on Saturday. I wasn't able to ride my bike, but borrowed H's (I thought the clips might be a problem). The only time I felt gimpy was while going up hills. My knee needed a 30 minute ice bath and some ibuprofen afterwards, but all in all it went as well as my wildest dreams would allow. Afterwards, we made cake!
That's about it. I am going to eat dinner now so I can justify eating leftover cake.
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